Social work

We are committed to our homeland and its people. Parallel to organizing tours, we therefore also support local communities by offering our aid and organization capabilities in small usefull,  philanthropic and humanitarian projects.
Because Tibet is huge and needs are huge as well, we can not help to all who need , we mostly working on areas where  our tour guides come from. Cos we know the needs of our people best.
Our policy is to contribute around 10 per cent of our profit to the development of local community projects. For example:

  • improvement of the quality of teaching in schools
  • ecological education and supporting activities for the benefit of wildlife.
  • to preserve and develop the identity and cultural heritage of Tibet.
  • social aid, including families and individuals facing difficult situations
  • aid to victims of natural disasters

Most active we are around Gartshe Monastery in Amdo and Cha Tshang School for nomadic kids at TseKhong County.
Western benefactor’s moneys flow also through us into providing nomadic children with tuition fees for an education and supporting local families in financial problems.
We are not involved in any political activities, and our business is entirely consistent with local law.

If during your trip you want to learn more about the concerns and needs of the local population and about effective ways to help, willing to talk about it.

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