Tibet lies at the center of Asia, with an area 2,5 million sq km. The earth “s highest mountains, a vast elevated plateau and great river valleys make up the physical homeland of six million Tibetans. It has an average altitude of over 4.000 meters above sea level and is appropriately knows as the:
“ Roof of the World”
The landmass of Tibet is comprised of three provinces: U-Tsang ( Central Tibet), Kham ( Eastern Tibet) and Amdo ( North Easern Tibet)
U-Tsang, with its mountainous landscape, is located between Nyanchen Thangla range in the north, and Himalayas in the south. The vast and mostly uninhabitated area of Chang Thang covers a large northern portion of this province. The western part of region bordering India and Nepal is the vast arid region knows as Nagri. The majestic sacred mountain Gankar Tesi (Mount Kailash) and the region unusual terrain has created spectacularscenery.Towing snow-capped mountain peaks, glaciers, river rapids, cloud-shrouded ancient monasteries,holy mountains and lakes are common sights in this region.
The tree largest cities, Lhasa, Gyangtse and Shigatse are situated in the broad, fertile valleys of Yarlung Tsangpo river. Lhasa,the capital ofTibet,is located along the Kyichu River, and the massive Potala Palace ries from a mountain top, majestatically dominating the surrounding countryside. This region includes most of the famous landmarks of early Tibetan history-the Yarlung valley of the imperial tombs, the first Buddhist monastery of Samyeand Jokhang cathedral in Lhasa.
Kham, the land of four rivers and six ranges, coprises the lustrous highlands ofeastern Tibet with alpine forests, grassland, lakes and meadows. The four greate rivers Ngulchu (Salween), Dzachu (Mekong), Drichu (Jangtse) and Machu ( Yellow River) , rush through deep valleys on their lengthy journey to South and Southeast Asia, flowing into theEast China and South China Seas, and Bay of Bengal. The six highland ranges, witch form the watersheds for these river systems, are Tsawang range,the Pobor-gangrange, and Minyak Rab-gang range.
Many famous monasteries and cultural landmarks such as Dzogchen Monastery of Nyigma tradition, Derge printing house producing Tibetan Buddhist tekst, Tse Dhuk Bon Gon, nhe biggest Bon monastery, are all scattered across this vast province.The climate is milder here than in Western and Central Tibetowing to the penetration of monsoon winds and precipitation from Southeast Asia, yet the great ruggedness of the terrain contributes to localized climatic diversity.
Amdo is the region in north eastern Tibet encompassing the grassland and upper source of the Machu ( Yellow River) and the Drichu (Jangtse) in the northeast, as well as the deep gorges of the Gyargong region further south. The mighty Kunlan Mountains cut through western Amdo, and an endless swamp and large salt lake oftheTsaimed Basin stretches the the north. The sacred lake Tso-ngonpo ( Kokonor) and mountain chain of the Amnye Machen are famous pilgrim destinations. To the east and south lay ancient, dense, evergreen forest, witch civilization havelargely clear-felled in recent decades.
As is the case in all Tibetan regions, the population of this province is also composed of peasants and itinerant herdsmen. Most of the arable land is concentrated in the eastern part. This is where the big monastic centers of Gelug tradition developed, the major ones being the monastic universities of Khumbum Jampaling and Labrang Tashikyil.
Internet is full of information about historical, ethno-cultural, geographical and other aspects of Tibet. Please read more and learn more about our world before u come to visit us. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibet